
This website contains images of a graphic nature that might be disturbing or upsetting to some people. The amazing wealth of information offered here is worth a few moments of feeling queasy and I do urge you to read on as much as you can!
Mycoplasma infection is one of the largest causes of death and sickness in both wild and pet rat species. For pet owners and fancy rat breeders respiratory infections have become somewhat of a dark cloud descending over the community and many people are left both confused and misinformed when it comes to dealing with and treating it. 

This website is intended as an educational resource for people wanting to better understand exactly what happens within the lungs of affected rats. Knowing how the beautiful creatures we love and breed function is of the utmost importance if we are to care for them in the best possible way we can. 

We have dissected a range of rats of varying age and health in order to show the lungs and how varying stages of infection effect the animals ability to use its lungs. What we found was extremely fascinating and seriously affects the view rat owners and breeders should take when it comes to treating the infection. 
Above: A nice example of a rats anatomy for reference on this site.

Also please check out this other fantastic web resource. This site contains video and sound files of rats in varying stages of respiratory infection. http://www.joinrats.com/RatHealth/SOUNDS/HealthyOrSickSqueaks/11128370_reY4p#801108532_uBgFS

A thanks to all involved!

This site has been a fairly large undertaking and by no means have I done everything here on my own. A big thanks needs to go to Emma Schmidt, Amber Walsh, Marion Lofthouse and Sdaji Deutscher.  These people played a huge part in this project and have been amazing help.